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Let's be honest, while writing is fun, rewarding, and stimulating; writing can also be a lonely and isolating craft. Sharing ideas and concepts about writing isn't as easy if you're doing so with people who don't share your enthusiasm. 

I am here to help, inspire, and offer practical tools you can use. Please choose from the FREE gift options below. And if you find these gifts beneficial, please feel free to share this link with others you feel may benefit from them.

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FREE Gift Option #2

Enjoy a FREE PDF download copy of Chapter One of 'An Abundant Life: Faith In Self.'


After more than 30 years, I was still trying to be my daddy’s ‘big girl,’ but finally, I just couldn’t do it anymore. And I cried. Crying scared me. But more than the tears, it was what I cried about that was so shocking. Finally, I surrendered and let go of the secrets. It was ugly. It stank. It hurt. It was sad. But then I was free. Finally, I could begin to live the life God intended for me – An Abundant Life.

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Enjoy a FREE PDF download copy of "When the Captor Is You: A Woman's Guide to Living Life Abundantly"

When the Captor is YOU, is a self-help workbook designed to inspire, inform, and invite you to begin living your life in abundance!

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Enjoy a FREE PDF download copy of "Black Women In Crisis"

Black Women in Crisis is a compilation of authors who have courageously shared their stories in hopes that other women learn from them and know that there is hope and that life can change!

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Little Rock, AR 72215, US

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