
networking with like-minded people

May 20, 2023

Read.Write.Share. Writers Weekend

Little Rock, Arkansas

October 21, 2023

Black Women In Crisis

Birmingham, Alabama

The Benefits of Networking

Something wonderful happens when you enter an environment of people who share the same passion and similar purpose. Ideas flow and creativity quickens! It is exciting to talk to others who share your excitement. Connect with our conferences and experience first hand the awesome change(s) that will occur!

Conference participants have reported that they find the experience interactive, informative, and entertaining. Many go on to become  published and later conference presenters! 

Are you ready to get off the sidelines and begin to participate? 

Read.Write.Share. Writers Weekend (facebook)

Offering a creative, camaraderie, and showcased atmosphere for authors, writers, and readers!

Black Women In Crisis (BLOG)

Addressing the childhood wounds that impact the adulthood of black women.

Your Story Matters


PO Box 56193
Little Rock, AR 72215, US

Who are we?

A small company with a big heart for Authors and Writers! Let us help you tell your story. It matters!

© 2024 Williams Group Consulting/Butterfly Typeface