Frequently Asked Questions

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What if my manuscript is not complete?

You may still schedule a consultation, however, we will not be able to work with you until your manuscript is complete. (Unless you hire us to help you finish it.)

Do you accept all genres and manuscripts?

No. Currently, we are only accepting children's books, devotionals, and memoirs. However, we do review each manuscript on a case-by-case basis and if your book meets our criteria we could agree to work with you.

How long does it take to  publish a book?

The process can vary from project to project, however typically it takes 9 months to 1 year to complete. During consultation, your project will be evaluated and you will be given an 'estimated' released date. Keep in mind that delays happen and that date could change.

What do I do while my book is being published?

While you wait for your book to be published, begin work on marketing. You can accomplish this by setting up social media accounts, purchasing promotional items, and talking about your soon-to-be released book. We try to complete your cover first so that you can use it for promotion.

Are you licensed?

Yes, we are licensed.

What method of payments do you accept?

We accept credits card, debit cards, CashApp, Venmo, Zelle, and Applepay, MoneyGram and Western Union. We do not accept checks.

Is there a contract?

Yes, all clients are required to sign a contract. See our Sample Contract for more information.

What are the criteria for submissions?

In addition to a signed Confidentiality Agreement and Consultation Profile Form on file, all submissions MUST be typed in a word document in the following format: double spaced, Arial font, 12 pt., and free of header, footer formatting or any other design elements. The first page of the document should be a cover page and include the Author's name, manuscript title, email address, phone number, and the total # of words. [NO EXCEPTIONS] 

Will I sell a lot of books and make a lot of money?

If money is your motivation for publishing, you should probably reconsider. It takes time and considerable effort to see a profit from the sell of books. Selling your book is a business and like any business, what you put into it is what you will get out of it. 

What marketing options do you provide?

We do not provide marketing services. We can assist you with securing promotional items that will help you market your book and we can refer you to one of our marketing partners (you will work with them directly and independent of what you do with us). We will always be available to you for questions and assistance you may need with promotional content. All you have to do is ask!

What happens when the contract expires? Will my book be unpublished?

No. Since you own your account and your files, your book can never be unpublished unless you want it to be unpublished. Once a contract expires with us, that means you are no longer bound by any of the contract restrictions.
Note: The contract may be renewed at the publisher's discretion as appropriate.

Is Butterfly Typeface a Vanity Publisher?

Absolutely Not. We are an Independent Publishing company (recently turned Traditional) offering fee-based services to authors and writers to assist them in becoming published authors. The Author's share of the royalties are more (80% or more) and we do not promise you rainbows and waterfalls. During the consultation phase, we answer all of your questions honestly and ask you to take your time to decide how (or if) you would like to proceed. We DO NOT solicit or badger potential clients. After the consultation, you do not hear from us again unless you contact us.

Why has Butterfly Typeface Publishing switched to Traditional publishing and what does this mean to current and potential clients?

Why the switch: We want to focus on writing and consulting. We want to spend more time identifying stories that need to be told, helping others tell these stories, and helping existing clients market and promote their books!ing.

Current Clients: Current authors will be considered grandfathered and may choose from the following:
-unpublish all titles
-no change
-move all titles to a ghost publishing account
*Note: the ISBN and reformatting of book covers will be at the author’s expense.
-hybrid option (publish new books under a ghost publishing account and leave existing titles as is Please schedule a consultation for questions and pricing options.

Potential Clients: Potential clients will be offered a Ghost Publishing option only.

Note: As a Traditional Publisher, there may be instances where we will offer an author a traditional contract (i.e., no upfront fees with a backend royalty split), based on the author and their work.

What are your terms and conditions?

View our Terms and Agreement document here.

What type of editing do you provide?

Each document is reviewed for the following by an Editor and a Proofreader:

Proofreading only: We will highlight areas of concerns and provide a comments and suggestions document.

Developmental only: Developmental editing involves reviewing your manuscript for content (i.e. is the story complete, is it organized and does it flow). 

Editing: Full editing includes developmental plus checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, grammar, and word choice.

Your Story Matters


PO Box 56193
Little Rock, AR 72215, US

Who are we?

A small company with a big heart for Authors and Writers! Let us help you tell your story. It matters!

© 2024 Williams Group Consulting/Butterfly Typeface